Upgrade Your Middle Managers In 30 Days!

Your managers need help. Why make them wait? Discover LeaderOS™ and get them on the path to becoming The 3rd Leader™ in a 30-day cohort experience. See what other organizations are doing to train their leaders!


We Inspire Creativity, Connection, and Strong Team Building Through Music

Our Award Winning Events Feature:

  • Custom-tailored virtual or in-person experiences
  • Everything done-for-you - just show up with your team
  • Fun & engaging musical challenges for team growth
  • ​Designed with complete beginners in mind

Your Ability to Lead Teams Is About to Be Upgraded

Your natural leadership style is deficient. Discover LeaderOS™ and start your path to becoming The 3rd Leader™ in a 30-day cohort experience that will significant scale your ability to lead others. Experience the future of leadership development!


We Inspire Creativity, Connection, and Strong Team Building Through Music

Our Award Winning Events Feature:

  • Custom-tailored virtual or in-person experiences
  • Everything done-for-you - just show up with your team
  • Fun & engaging musical challenges for team growth
  • ​Designed with complete beginners in mind

These Three Numbers Tell A Story...

Discover the science of predictable performance based on how you manage others.

Employee engagement variance attributable to managers
Employees in the U.S. who voluntarily quit their jobs
in 2023
Frontline workers who say their team leader doesn't prioritize building culture
The 1st Core Skill:
Create Clarity
High-performing teams have clarity on purpose, results, and what to prioritize & focus on.
High Peforming!
The 2nd Core Skill:
Build Alignment
High-performing teams are aligned. They know the 'why,' feel heard, and take ownership.
High Performing!
The 3rd Core Skill:
Generate Movement
High-performing teams don't stay stuck. They overcome obstacles to movement.
High Performing!

How Does Lead In 30 Work?

The old way was costly events, all-day meetings, & LMS content that wasn't consumed.
The new way meets leaders where they are and creates movement!

Accept Invite

Lead In 30 starts with calendar invites sent to all the leaders who you want to attend. The invites are for a ONE-hour virtual meeting four-weeks in a row.

Attend Live Sessions

Your executives kick off each session and hand it off to the Lead In 30 team. We facilitate a fast-paced and highly interactive session on that week's content.

Access the Portal

During each webclass the portal content for that week unlocks. Each leader spends 30 minutes in the portal before the next week's live webclass consuming content.

Thousands of Leaders At These Companies Have Experienced Lead In 30™:

Some Companies Who've Put Leaders Through lead In 30

Train Managers At Your Organization

Pick the training approach that best meets your organization's needs:

Best choice for robust conversation
and collaboration
Use one of our expert facilitators or certify internal trainers to deliver our content. This can be done in a one day in-person session. Participants are given a robust learner's guide as well as access to the Lead In 30 Portal to help them apply what they learned.
Best choice for efficiently reaching
large numbers quickly
Save the travel budget and don't take managers away from their teams. Utilize virtual sessions and digital content to train your leaders.  Participants are given access to a digital learning guide and the Lead In 30 Portal to reinforce learning and application.
Best choice for individual participants or a small number of managers
Provide training for a few leaders at a time. Participants can complete the content during a couple hours a week over one month. Participants are given access to a digital learning guide that helps them apply the learning immediately in their role.

How Does Lead In 30 Work?

The old way was costly events, all-day meetings, & LMS content that wasn't consumed.
The new way meets leaders where they are and creates movement!

Accept Invite

Lead In 30 starts with calendar invites sent to all the leaders who you want to attend. The invites are for a ONE-hour virtual meeting four-weeks in a row.

Attend Live Sessions

Your executives kick off each session and hand it off to the Lead In 30 team. We facilitate a fast-paced and highly interactive session on that week's content.

Access the Portal

During each webclass the portal content for that week unlocks. Each leader spends 30 minutes in the portal before the next week's live webclass consuming content.

Course Agenda & Content Modules

Click on the modules below to learn more about the content


In 2017 I found myself obese, hooked on pain killers, going through a divorce, and utterly lacking in confidence. I could barely rise from the recliner to go fetch another piece of pie. I was headed for an early grave.

Now I can bench press 315 pounds, deadlift 475 pounds, do 20 pull-ups, run three miles in 26 minutes, and a lot of other genuinely impressive feats for a guy my age. Most importantly, I am winning the war with aging and feel more alive than I have ever felt!

I’ve been where you are now and know what you’re feeling. Most importantly, I've made it through to other side and trust me, life is much better when you can look yourself in the mirror and not only love the way you look but feel energized to live life to the fullest.

In this eBook, I’m going to map out for you the most effective way to turn back the clock on aging, become trim, strong, and healthy!

  • Northern New England Real Estate Network
  • ​Lamoille Area Board Of REALTORS®️
  • Central Vermont Board Of REALTORS®️

These Leaders Went Through It!

Listen to senior executives, board membersmid-level managers
and front-line supervisors who've experienced Lead In 30.

In 2017 I found myself obese, hooked on pain killers, going through a divorce, and utterly lacking in confidence. I could barely rise from the recliner to go fetch another piece of pie. I was headed for an early grave.

Now I can bench press 315 pounds, deadlift 475 pounds, do 20 pull-ups, run three miles in 26 minutes, and a lot of other genuinely impressive feats for a guy my age. Most importantly, I am winning the war with aging and feel more alive than I have ever felt!

I’ve been where you are now and know what you’re feeling. Most importantly, I've made it through to other side and trust me, life is much better when you can look yourself in the mirror and not only love the way you look but feel energized to live life to the fullest.

In this eBook, I’m going to map out for you the most effective way to turn back the clock on aging, become trim, strong, and healthy!

  • Northern New England Real Estate Network
  • ​Lamoille Area Board Of REALTORS®️
  • Central Vermont Board Of REALTORS®️

Feedback from Senior Executives 
of Fortune 50 Companies:

“She's amazing!! Best thing to ever happen to me!!”

- Sherrod Small (Comedian)

Elaine Thibodeau
Vice President at Johnson & Johnson
"Lead In 30 is fantastic at helping leaders generate movement on their teams. We put all our leaders through it and it created immediate impact. Lead In 30 gets at what it means to lead teams with clarity, alignment, and movement. I can't recommend it strongly enough."

Ray Burick
Vice President at Lockheed Martin
"The principles and models they introduced significantly transformed our results and did so in a short amount of time. We needed greater agility and collaboration and this helped our leaders understand how to create and sustain positive change.”

Paul Sanford
Vice President at Cigna
"They helped our leadership team get to the issues that matter most. They have a style that engages you immediately and gets to the core problems you need to solve as a leader. 

It’s why we’ve used this for years."

Upgrade Your People Leaders

The best way to increase employee engagement 
and retention is to upgrade your people leaders.

Plus, You'll Get ALL Of This For FREE

When you join the Lead In 30 Cohort you will also get access to all of these bonuses...

Here's Everything You Unlock Today:

  • The Lead In 30 Portal In-depth, step-by-step video lessons along with resources, workbook pages, and models plus access to exclusive bonus content
  • LIVE Weekly Workshops – Every week you will have access to a one-hour LIVE session where that's week content will be introduced and taught in fast-paced, highly-interactive sessions
  • Accountability Partners – From coaching hundreds of executives we know how important it is to design a system that is easy to implement. We help you do that with a personal accountability partner you can meet with to discuss that week's learnings
  • ​BONUS #1: The Leader Playbook Course – Hours of content recorded by Russ Hill around his best-selling book, Decide to Lead, that compliment our Lead In 30 Cohort
  • ​BONUS #2: Culture Hacks Executive Interviews – Hours of interviews with senior executives from Amazon, Netflix, Chick-fil-A, Uber, Amazon, Franklin Covey, and more
  • ​BONUS #3: The Great Resignation Book – Free copy of our newest book (220+ pages) downloadable in PDF format

$9,950+ Value Per Person

 You Pay ONLY $997 $497!
Discounted pricing limited to 5 people per company

After 20 years of executive team experience, we know what works. As speakers and executive coaches, we share our passion for leadership by helping executives build lasting skills designed to foster growth, collaboration, and retention.






Our Promise

We're committed to exceeding our clients' expectations with honesty and integrity. The values demonstrated in our Lead in 30 cohort include teamwork, client satisfaction and high ethical standards. We strive to achieve a relationship-driven client experience that gets sustainable results.


 Lone Rock Consulting


1839 S. Alma School Road, Suite 285
Mesa, AZ 85210

1839 S. Alma School Road, Suite 285
Mesa, AZ 85210

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